
Breathable manicure (halal polish)

  • 3-step manicure with soak, cuticle cleaning, & 4 min relaxing massage.
  • Only polish with natural ingredients allowing water to reach the nail bed.


50 mins


Healthy nails
Rejuvenate your nails to promote healthy growth.

Top brands
Flaunt your glamorous nails with best-in-class nail paint brands.

About the process

  1. Preparation
    Removing nail polish followed by cutting & shaping your nails.
  2. Soak & cuticle cleaning
    Soaking hands in room temperature water followed by cuticle cleaning.
  3. Massage & moisturization
    Applying cream followed by a short massage
  4. Color application
    Applying selected color followed by quick dry drops.
  5. Cuticle oil treatment
    Applying cuticle oil for hydrated fingertips.

After care

  • Give 5-10 mins post manicure for your nails to dry.
  • Wear protective gloves when gardening or doing housework
  • Dry hands thoroughly after washing
  • Use hand cream regularly
  • Do not use your fingernails as tools
  • Use cuticle cream or oil daily to moisturise cuticles


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